My Gift to You

09/27/2011 04:43 AM - Permalink

When I was younger, I'd often ask You for this or for that... to do this or to do that.  When I couldn't have it (or simply couldn't have it yet) I'd ask You to let me know.  I'm older now, though not much.  And I've learned a few things, though I have much to learn.  I've grown up under Your leadership and guidance, Your merciful hand of friendship and grace, Your watchful eye and Your unfailing love for 25 years... and only now have I realized that in asking to know, I was denying You the only thing I have that is truly mine -- the only thing I can give You that isn't already Yours.... 

So now, Father -- *my* Father... I offer my gift to You... a token of my friendship to Your heart... a symbol of my gratitude for all You are to me, all You've done for me, and all You're yet to do.... my "thanks, dad!"... my humble offering...
  • ... though I don't have it now...
  • ... though I don't have it yet...
  • ... and though I don't know its coming...
... I do know You are an amazing and incredible Father *to me*... and so...

I believe You hear me *always*...
I believe You *will not* forsake me...
I believe You answer my *every* prayer...
with *beautiful* and *wonderful* things!

I BELIEVE... in You.

I love You, God! :)

 - Your son Jay
Jay Baldwin is a follower of Jesus Christ residing in Columbus, Ohio with his wife and daughter. Jay is an Executive Director and Software Engineer (Web Ninja!), a self-proclaimed scriptural scholar, and a pilot. He's also an avid gamer, loves tennis, and has a black belt in Korean martial art Tang Soo Do.